TDNet Discover


 Nuclear Imaging Resources      


Click on the image above to access The Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging website:

  • Under Evidence and Quality, access Clinical Guidelines and Procedural Standards
  • Under Research, access Clinical and other trial information


Click on the image above to access the webpage for the American Board of Nuclear Medicine.

  • Use this link to access certification and training information from ABNM.


Click the image above to access International Atomic Energy Agency programme in Human Health

  • Relates to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of health problems through the application of nuclear techniques

National and International Resources

General Resources: Radiology

  • Click on the icon above to access the FAQ sheet

  • Click the icon above for access to register or sign into the GE Cares Community 
  • Click on the documents below for instructions regarding registration and use of GE Cares Community
  • Click on CARES FAQs below to read patient shielding recommendations based on the AAPM position statements 


Additional Resources

  • Encourages practitioners to optimize the amount of radiation used in
    medically necessary imaging studies and to eliminate unnecessary procedures.

  • Esteemed Trade magazine focusing on interventional cardiology.
